File: dens_mod.txt
Last modified: 5-feb-99


Items of the menu block "DENS_MOD" invoke density modifications (solvent flattening and averaging) tasks ("RMS_FIT", "MAK_MASK", "DM_PREP", "DM_NEXT").

The local macros are created via "main_config" scripts (see MAIN_DOC:1mol/1mol.html and MAIN_DOC:nmol/nmol.html). For a more general scope of applications see also MAIN_DOC:dens_mod/dens_mod.html.

The menu is created with and loaded via to page 10.


Ivokes local macro "rms_fit.cmds" (MAIN_DOC:nmol/rms_fit.cmds). Calculates all superposition matrices among all possible pairs of equivalent segments. The macro calculates rotation matrices and translation vectors, which superposition parametesr among all possible pairs of equivalent segments and "SAVE" results to files already in a form of a MAIN commands. These macros are used later in density averaging procedure to rotate the density maps.

 key ca sele atom name CA end
 rms coor all  eigen \
    sele ca .a segm name MOLA end \
    sele ca .a segm name MOLB end
 save over file rms


The macro checks for overlap between local and symmetry related neighbors and when appripriate reduces the atomic radii of touching atoms.

A file MAIN_DOC:nmol/make_masks.cmds contains a list of commands that are actually calls to macro providing five parameters:

<?MAIN_UTILS:make_atom_mask "MOLA" 2 3.6 3 mask_MOLA.xmap


Generates the first map of electron density and copies it into map number 2, which serves as input for density modification procedures.

For example see MAIN_DOC:nmol/dm_prep.cmds.


Performs cycle(s) of density modification procedure as specified by "main_config".

A call to a complete averaging cycle (loop) follows. There are four numbers.

For example see MAIN_DOC:nmol/dm_next.cmds and related macros.