File: build_resi_manu.txt


Last: modified: 24-feb-2007

The "BUILD_MAIN" is a merge of several menu blocks. It contains the most useful items of the "MODELER" menu block (modeler.html) merged with come others to enable smooth manual model rebuilding of the structure with no need to switch to other pages.


Moves around the position of the last clicked atom.

Shortcut is "o".


Moves around the last clicked residue with the center of rotation on the last clicked atom.

Shortcut is "x".


Moves around atoms selected with the key active"with the center of rotation on the last clicked atom"rotation on the last clicked atom.


Rotates atoms between the last two clicked. Useful for peptide bond flipping.


Rotates chain about all bonds between the last two clicked atoms.

Rotations about bonds in the rings are not allowed.


Connects two chains together by moving the fargment clickt first to the second fragment into a position suitable for covalent bond formation and builds the bond. (For example chains are connected at N-termnini).


Inverts the chain direction of the selected part by preserving the side chains on the same positions.


RE_ORDER changes the order of residues of the working segment ("WORK_SEGM") so that along the main chain covalently connected residues also follow each other.

The chain names and sequence IDs are automatically updated and changed.


Accepts the current state of geometry changes imposed on the structure using manual rebuilding. It is an obligatory step following the "MOV_ATOM", "MOV_SELE", "RT_BETEE", "RT_CHAIN" and related functions.

Shortcut is "a".


Rejects the geometry changes by disengaging manual model building functions.


Initializes the dial set.


Resets the dial set to the lower on the stack of saved ones.

Useful when several manual buidling functions have been invoked simoultaneously and you want to switch between them.