2 DISPLAY_LONG File: display_long.txt Last modified: 27-sept-94 The DISPLAY_LONG menu BLOCK controls basics of the image re-processing and interaction with a user. 3 EXIT Keyword: dialog mode EXIT is used to EXIT the DIALOG mode and return to MAIN>. It has no analog in command sentences. When CRYSTAL eyes STEREO screen is turned on, picking EXIT turns STEREO OFF and returns control to the mono screen. Keyboard equivalent keys are 'e' and 'E'. 3 MENU > IMAGE MENU ON OFF MENU turns off MENU and expands the molecular image to the whole MAIN window size. The menu can be retrieved again by picking the item MENU once more. Keyboard equivalent is key 'M'. 3 RE_DRAW > IMAGE OVER FALSE RE_DRAW redraws all 3-dimensional objects (except MAP(s)) stored in the program. Background IMAGE objects are not redrawn. Keyboard equivalent is key 'r'. 3 RE_MAP Keyward: map redraw, recontour > IMAGE MAP OVER RE_MAP redraws all MAP(s) centered at the current IMAGE CENTER. Keyboard equivalent is key 'r'. 3 STEREO Keyword: stereo > IMAGE STEREO ON OFF STEREO toggles the STEREO ON or OFF. Keyboard equivalent is key 's'. 3 PLOT Keyword: plot > inquire file_name "PLOT FILE NAME:" > open unit 79 overwrite file file_name > image unit 79 plot on initialize > image over false map over > image plot off > close unit 79 Creates a plot file of the current IMAGE. The name of the plot file is INQUIRED by the prompt "PLOT FILE NAME" and should be typed in. GRAPH objects can not be PLOTTED this way! 3 CENTER > IMAGE CENTER COORD 3*real Centers the image to the current position of the last picked atom. Keyboard equivalent is key 'c'.