2 REFINE Keyword: refinement, positional, B-factor File: refine.txt Last modified: 16-jan-2003 3 KICK_ALL Keyword: KICK_ALL, kick atoms KICK_ALL displaces all "WORK_SEGM" atoms up to the current "KICK_VAL" shift. 3 REFINE Keyword: REFINE, refinement, positional, refine.cmds Refines positions of your model using macro "refine.cmds". Use main config tool "menu_refine.sh" to configure the macro. Subroutine arguments: - integer map number of a unit cell map (MAP_WORK) and - character variable or string(s) of segment names used for structure factor calculations. For more see "MAIN_DOC:refine/refine.txt". 3 REFINE_B Keyword: REFINE_B, b-factor, refinement, overall, individual, refine_b.cmds Refines B-values of a model (individual and overall) against the chosen target function using macro "refine_b.cmds". Refines positions of your model using macro "refine_b.cmds". Use main config tool "menu_refine_b.sh" to configure the macro. Subroutine arguments: - integer map number of a unit cell map (MAP_WORK) and - character variable or string(s) of segment names used for structure factor calculations. For more see "MAIN_DOC:refine/refine.txt". 3 GEN_SOLVENT Keyword: GEN_SOLVENT, solvent, generate Generates new solvent molecules on the basis of peaks in a difference density map, checks their consistency within an 2Fo-Fc map, their distance to hydrogen bond donors and overlap with already existing atoms and symmetry overlap. The newly created solvent molecule (H2O) obtain segment name WAT2. HINT: Modify your RE_IMAGE command to see the newly created solvents in a different color. The macro invoked by default is the file "MAIN_CMDS:gen_solvent.cmds", which calls "MAIN_UTILS:gen_solvent.com", created by "menu_gen_solv.sh" script. Subroutine "gen_solvent.com" arguments: - integer map number of a 2fo-fc unit cell map (MAP_2FOFC), - integer map number of a fo-fc unit cell map (MAP_FOFC), - character variable or string(s) of segment names around which new solvents will be added, - character variable or string(s) of segment names around which new solvents will be added, which do not include any solvent molecule in order to enable control of solvent layers added.