2 TRACE Keyword: automated, tracing, chain File: trace.txt Last modified: 5-mar-2007 Menu block "TRACE" contains items, which perform automated model building and chain tracing. User has to choose the range of a function application: working segment, key active or clicked history atoms. Menu block "TRACE" is loaded with "MAIN_CMDS:load_trace.com". See also "MAIN_DOC:build/new_struc.txt". 3 GOTO_SKEL Keyword: GOTO_SKEL Redraws a previously generated skeleton in order to enable its manual editing. 3 GOTO_HYB Keyword: GOTO_HYB Redraws a previously generated skeleton and the hybrid model in order to enable the hybrid model manual rebuilding, minimization, refinement of phasing. 3 GOTO_ALA Keyword: GOTO_ALA Redraws the current polya ALA model. 3 RoH_JOBS Keyword: RoH_JOBS Robert Huber jobs. This is a single click function, which combines all steps of automated model building. It is not really implemented yet. Configure it with the "MAIN_CONF:create_roh_jobs.pl". 3 TRC_ORIG Keyword: TRC_ORIG Locates adjacent origin(s) of molecule(s). 3 GEN_SKEL Keyword: GEN_SKEL Generates skeleton around the current selection with box expanded 15 grid points from the current active map. 3 RE_SKEL Keyword: RE_SKEL Re-generates skeleton in the same box as defined baove only at different contouring level. 3 TRC_SKEL Keyword: TRC_SKEL Assignes secoondary structure elements and connections to skeleton. Secondary structures are yellow, main chain straces green. 3 TRC_HYBR Keyword: TRC_HYBR Repeats the "TRC_SKEL" step and builds hybrid model (sp3 fragments) along the main chain trace. "MAIN_CMDS:trace_3angl.cmds" macro does it. 3 TRC_ALA Keyword: TRC_ALA Build poly alanine model along the hybrid model. "MAIN_CMDS:trace_chain.cmds" macro does it. 3 TRC_SYMM Keyword: TRC_SYMM Moves fragments around applying crystal symmetry operators to position them into a asymmetric unit. "MAIN_CMDS:trace_symm_overlaps.cmds" macro does it. 3 TRC_MERG Keyword: TRC_MERG Merge overlapping fragments into the best unique trace. This is still work in progress. 3 TRC_SIDE Keyword: TRC_SIDE Trace side chains - find the best residue fitting the density and geometry constraints. Currently only amino acid residues are supported. "MAIN_CMDS:trace_side.cmds" macro does it.