subroutine char SEGMENTS image erase delete atom sele segm name #* end key image sele .not all end set col sele segm name SEGMENTS .a .not weigh 0.1 1.1 end = 200 sele segm name SEGMENTS .a weigh 0.1 1.1 end = 160 sele atom name H* .a by bond weigh 0.1 1.1 end = 160 exit image sele segment name SEGMENTS end set bond image sele segment name SEGMENTS .a .not by bond all end atom cros image sele segment name SEGMENTS end col 85 hbond image sele t_anchor end col 200 atom cros image sele t_anchor .o by pair t_anchor end col 200 bond return ! the variance with a sphere around the current screen center key aro select by residue around center current dist 15. - .and segment name SEGMENTS end image sele aro end set bond image sele aro .a .not by bond all end atom cros image sele aro end col 85 hbond key image select aro .or. atom name CA end key aro drop return