2 BUILD_RESI_AUTO Keyword: build, manual building File: build_resi_auto.txt Last: modified: 30-mar-2007 The "BUILD_RESI_AUTO" fixes distrorted geometries (returns them to idela values) and fits fragemts of structure to electron density considering also some energy constrainst. Positions of atoms of the "active" selection are modified. 3 FIX_PEPT Keyword: FIX_PEPT Sets all peptide bonds of selected atoms to trans by fixing bond length, angles and planarity. 3 FIT_PEPT Keyword: FIT_PEPT Fits peptide bonds of selected atoms to active electron density map considering also nonbonding interactions with CB atoms and secondary structure. 3 FLIP_PEP Keyword: FLIP_PEP Flips peptide bonds of selected atoms for 180 degrees. 3 EXT_SIDE Keyword: EXT_SIDE Sets geometry of side chains of selected atoms to all extended (trans). 3 FIX_SIDE Keyword: FIX_SIDE Sets geometry of side chains of selected atoms to closes rotamer as guessed from the dihedral angles. 3 RIG_SIDE Keyword: RIG_SIDE Fits fragments of residues of selected atoms to active electron density map as rigid bodies. 3 FIT_SIDE Keyword: FIT_SIDE Fits geometry of side chains of selected atoms to active electron density map considering also nonbonding interactions. 3 TRC_SIDE Keyword: TRC_SIDE Traces the side chains of selected residues by identifying residue with the best fit. It does not use any sequence information - only the restrainst of the active density map. TRC_SIDE finds overalps and can close disulfides. 3 FIT_AUTO Keyword: AUTO_FIT Combines almost all above auto fitting features as well as density fitting under a single click.