2 IMAGE_DO Keyword: molecule, image File: image_do.txt Last modified: 20-jan-98 The IMAGE_DO menu block items really "do" something with the image, their either erase it, bring molecular and map images on the display or save the view and and image commands for future editing of macros. The IMAGE_DO menu block is loaded with the file "MAIN_CMDS:load_image_do.com". 3 ERASE ERASES the current image. 3 BONDS Creates a bond image of the "display" atoms. 3 ATO_CROS Creates an atom cros image of the "display" atoms. 3 ATO_NAME Creates an atom name image of the "display" atoms. 3 RES_NAME Creates an residue name image of the "display" atoms. 3 SEQUEN Creates an sequence IDs image of the "display" CA atoms. 3 STICKS Creates an bond stick image of the "display" atoms. 3 ATO_BALL Creates an atom ball image of the "display" atoms. 3 CHAIN_TR Creates a chain trace image of the "display" protein atoms. 3 SURFACE Creates a Connoly surface image the "display" atoms. 3 SAV_VIEW Saves the current view into the specified file ("MAIN_CMDS:image_do_save_view.cmds"). 3 BEG_MACRO ("MAIN_CMDS:image_do_beg_copy.cmds"). 3 END_MACRO ("MAIN_CMDS:image_do_end_copy.cmds").