File: keyboard.txt
Last modified: 21-oct-2012
Pressing keys is usually the quickest way for an experienced
user to issue commands. Keyboard shortcuts
require no confirmation and are always at the tip of your fingers.
There are single and multiple key shortcuts.
Currently these functions are supported:
'+' rotates the image for the stereo angle in the + direction,
'-' rotates the image for the stereo angle in the - direction,
'M' toggles the image menu on and off,
'a' accepts geometry of currently defined active objects,
'b' rigid body fit to map of groups of fragments ("RIG_SIDE"),
'c' or 'C' sets the current rotation to the last picked atom,
'd' or 'D' drops the last picked atom from the history list,
'e' or 'E' exits the dialog mode, MINIMIZation and REFINEment,
'f' flips peptide bond or side chain of the last picked atom,
'g' go to the next residue: a shortcut to "CENT_NEX",
'h' toggles menu documentation mode on and off,
'j' do auto fitting job: a shortcut to "FIT_AUTO",
'k' kick "active" atoms: a shortcut to "KICK_ACT",
'l' selects the last clicked residue: a shortcut to "ACT_LAST"
'm' minimizes the "active" key selection of atoms:: a shortcut to "MINIMIZE",
'n' selects the neighboring atoms: a shortcut to "ACT_NEIG",
'o' move the last clicked atom: a shortcut to "MOV_ATOM",
'p' peptide fixes: a shortcut to "FIX_PEPT" and "FIT_PEPT" together",
'r' or 'R' redraws the maps around the current center,
's' or 'S' toggles stereo on and off,
't' togless"
TETHER"optimization on/off: a shortcut to"UN_DO",
'u' undo the last coordinate change: a shortcut to"
'w' calls a macro as defined by character variable"
'x' move the last clicked residue: a shortcut to"
'z' fit side chains of the last clicked residues to density: a shortcut to"
'1' to '0' includes or removes maps (1 to 10) from the image
(since 10 is no key 0 is used instead)"
(since 10 is no key 0 is used instead).
Besides, each time a key is pressed, the mouse event mask is reset to
avoid mouse events hangups due to Xwindows server client communication
problems (bugs).
Menu items on the currently displayed menu page can be called by the
sequence of 3 keys. The sequence must begin with CTRL or ALT keys
followed by two characters. The first character is matched against
the first character of a menu item, whereas the second is matched
against the character following the "_" sign. When the "_" is absent,
then the second character is mached. In the case a unique menu item
is identified it is invoked as is clicked on.
The "CTRL" key sequence invokes the item, whereas the "ALT" key
invokes its configuration GUI.