2 MODELER File: >doc/menu/modeler.txt Last modified: 13-apr-2019 The modeling functions ("RT_CHAIN", "MOV_ATOM", "MOV_RESI", "MOV_SELE") activate OBJECTS for interactive spatial modifications of molecular geometry and assign DIALS to them. After the geometry has been changed using mouse or dials, the change has to be accepted using "OBJ_ACCE" or rejected "OBJ_REJE". Remember first to pick the atoms and afterwards pick an ITEM. The last picked atoms may be used any number of times. All these commands can be applied in any combination on various or the same group of atoms. The order in which they are applied does matter - eroneous combinations may result in eroneous results (first defien bodn rotation and the a rigid body bovement of the moving atoms by "MOV_RESI" or "MOV_SELE". (See also DIAL_SAV and DIAL_RST regarding DIAL set storage end retrivial.) See also "MAIN_MENU:history.txt" and "MAIN_MENU:nice_sel.txt". 3 MOV_SELE Keyword: MOV_SELE, rotate and translate Does rigid body movement (combines "ROTATION" and "TRANSLATION") of the selected atoms (key "active") using the last PICKED atom as the center of rotation. The simplest way of selecting atoms is using the functions of the menu block "nice_sel.txt". Shortcut is "x". 3 MOV_RESI Keyword: MOV_RESI, move residue Does rigid body movement (ROTATES and TRANSLATES) of the residue disregarding the connectivities of that particular residue. (You don't have to break bonds as in the case of the "ROT_TRAN" command.) The center of rotation is the last picked atom. 3 MOV_ATOM Keyword: MOV_ATOM TRANSLATES the last PICKED atom disregarding its connectivities. (You don't have to break bonds as in the case of the TRANSLAT command.) Does not save the DIAL set automatically. 3 RT_CHAIN Keyword: RT_CHAIN, rotate chain, rotate, conformation, dihedral RT_CHAIN activates rotation of all BONDS between the last 2 PICKED atoms. MAIN is only capable of checking each separate bond rotation. When there are more bonds to be rotated in the chain and one is a part of a ring, an error message will appear. In such case you should hit "OB_REJECT" and pick a different pair of atoms. The menu item "RT_CHAIN" calls within a loop a variety of command files, one for each rotatable bond. After each 8th bond, the DIAL WRITE sentence is automatically done. 3 Acive objects Keyword: OB_START, OB_REJECT, OB_ACCEPT OB_START > OBJECT int SET INIT OB_REJEC > OBJECT int SET TRUE OB_ACCEP > OBJECT int SET FALSE These commands affect all activated OBJECTS. The objects are either returned to their initial position ("OB_START"), rejected (OB_REJEC) or accepted ("OB_ACCEP"). Only "OB_ACCEPT" changes atom coordinates. After "OB_REJEC" and "OB_ACCEP" the complete image is redrawn.